Integrated Packaging Design Studio

Partner university (faculty)

千葉大学工学部 シンシナティ大学

Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University and University of Cincinnati

Class schedule

Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University


December 9 to February 3

University of Cincinnati


August 26 to December 8

Time difference


14 hours

Class objectives

この授業では、パッケージデザインにおける歴史的目標と現代的目標の両方を取り上げ、コンセプトから実際の生産を考慮したプロトタイプまで、ユーザーを中心とした革新的なパッケージデザインを作成するための一連の新しい方法論、技術、戦略を検証する。 製造可能性とエコロジカル、ユニバーサルな視点を持ちながら、ユーザーの体験の質と価値を高めるために、パッケージデザインの知覚的、文化的、および実用的な考慮事項を調査して統合する。この包括的な方法論は既存の標準的なパッケージデザインに影響を与え、より価値があり、便利で、楽しいパッケージデザインを開発する可能性がある。

This class addressed the historical and modern goals of package design and examined new methodologies, techniques, and strategies for creating user-focused, innovative package designs from concepts and prototypes with the focus on actual production. The students researched and integrated sensory, cultural, and practical issues to enhance user experience, quality, and value, with ecological and universal perspectives and attention to production possibilities. This comprehensive methodology has the potential to influence existing standards, allowing for the development of more valuable, convenient, and enjoyable package designs.

Class content


  1. 授業の概要およびシンシナティ大学の授業の説明
  2. 調査・分析
  3. 問題点の洗い出し
  4. スケッチ・アイデア出し
  5. デザイン目標の設定
  6. 中間プレゼンテーション
  7. プロトタイプ作成
  8. 最終プレゼンテーション

At the start, Professor Peter Chamberlain gave a presentation on classes at the UC, providing the basis for the group work at Chiba University. He rejoined the class as an evaluator during the final presentations. The class content was as follows.

  1. Explanation of class overview and classes at UC
  2. Research and analysis
  3. Extraction of issues
  4. Sketching and idea brainstorming
  5. Setting design goals
  6. Mid-term presentations
  7. Prototype creation
  8. Final presentations

Class format



Tools used


日本パッケージデザイン協会理事長であり、著名なパッケージデザイナーでもある伊藤透先生を非常勤講師としてお招きし、学生指導および講評などをやっていただいた。そのことで、実際のデザイン現場の状況や世界的な潮流なども踏まえた、職業に結びつく専門性のある教育(Professional Study)を提供できたと考えている。

While previous "plane design forming" classes focused on graphics and form, the classes at the UC are intended to create the human resources needed by the corporate world. These have to be highly oriented toward practical work and equipped with the creative ability to change society for the better. Practice, in this instance, provides Japanese students an opportunity to gain a global perspective. In addition, holding classes with the same content at both universities brings home to the students the differences in design called for by the different cultural and social systems. Amid the globalization of today, this is extremely significant for students from both universities.
Student guidance and evaluation were provided by Toru Ito, the famous package designer and president of the Japan Package Design Association, who was invited to serve as an adjunct instructor. This enabled the class to provide career-related professional study based on the actual package design industry and global trends.
