Pandemic and International Organizations

Partner university (faculty)

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chiba University and The University of Alabama

Class schedule

Term 4-6 (Intensive) (the end of October to the beginning of November)

Time difference

15 hours

Class objectives

This class seeks to explore the current state, role, and ideal form of international organizations in the pandemic.

Class content

The students conducted online international collaborative learning with the University of Alabama on their course, "Introduction to Global Perspective and Culture" (Tayler Kent). We discussed with the students from the University of Alabama about the role of international organizations in the pandemic, what their ideal form should be, and what the US and Japan could do for them to achieve those aims.

Class format

Synchronous and asynchronous

Tools used

Zoom, Googlemeet, Googleclassroom, COIL-Moodle

At the University of Alabama in the US, the fall semester is from late August to December, and the spring semester is from late January to the end of April. Therefore, there is a problem that their semesters overlap with those of Chiba University only for a short period between October and December considering that we conduct our classes mainly from October to January and from April to August. To overcome this problem, this time around we built a program with two classes as collaborative partners. From October to November, we also conducted an asynchronous online discussion on the COIL-Moodle to mutually reaffirm our understanding of international organizations with one another. Thereafter, we prepared for a presentation at Chiba University, and when the spring semester started at the University of Alabama, we conducted an online workshop on Zoom to give the presentation and replied to the questions from the students from the University of Alabama. The students who had not been able to comment due to time constraints continued the asynchronous discussion on the COIL-Moodle the following day. We had to do everything online this academic year, including pre-studies and post-studies. However, the students have significantly improved their online communication skills because of that.


千葉大学国際教養学部 アラバマ大学








アラバマ大学Introduction to Global Perspective and Cultureコース(Tayler Kent)との国際協働学修をオンラインで実施。パンデミック渦中の国際組織の役割、あるべき姿、そのために日米両国は何ができるのか、などについてアラバマ大学の学生と議論する。




Zoom, Googlemeet, Googleclassroom, COIL-Moodle

